Bonzai Intranet Blog

What is SharePoint?

First launched in 2001, SharePoint is a Microsoft Office product that allows organizations to easily create and manage collaborative, private-websites. Prior to SharePoint’s launch, Microsoft recognized the need to unite business functions that once operated in silos. Today, the centrally […]

Should you monitor social interactions on your Intranet or Digital Workplace?

A compelling feature of state-of-the-art Intranets is the ability for users to engage via comments, likes and shares. These forms of social interaction, once the exclusive domain of Facebook and Twitter, are now core components of modernized Intranet solutions.  

Why HR Can No Longer Survive Without an Intranet

When we think of an intranet, we often think of it as a tool for internal communicators.

How an Intranet Can Increase Internal Knowledge Share

Most of us are aware that we aren’t sharing and communicating enough. Not that we mean to, it’s just sometimes too easy to remain in our cozy little cubicles. Unfortunately, this behaviour comes at a cost.

How an Intranet Transforms Learning in the Workplace

If you are underestimating the importance of corporate learning, or thinking it doesn’t apply to your workplace, think again. At some point or another, every company embarks on learning of some type. There is on-boarding, product training, education on corporate […]

7 Things That Can Ruin an Intranet (And How to Rescue It)

When deploying an intranet there is a lot of information and advice on what you should do to ensure adequate engagement and participation.  However it’s equally important to understand what types of actions or behaviours can destroy your intranet.

Intranet Etiquette. Why it Matters.

Foosball tables, kegs of beer, and casual work attire–the workplace has become a lot more relaxed than it was in our parent’s generation.

How to Prevent Your Intranet From Being Too Social

While everyone agrees that an intranet needs to be engaging, it can be a fine line between keeping between keeping employees informed, and turning your intranet into a workplace gossip zone.

What Documents Do You Need on Your Intranet?

One of the best features of a corporate intranet is the ability to host documents. And it’s no surprise since the benefits are obvious: Less demand on servers, less internal paper, and easier access to all documents.

Signs Your Company Desperately Needs an Intranet

If you aren’t already using an intranet, you likely aren’t aware of all the benefits of social collaboration technology; especially if you have operated the same way for a long period of time. For example, you may not even realize […]

Yes, Even CEOs Need an Intranet

If you are a CEO, the concept of an intranet is likely the furthest thing from your mind. In fact, to some of you, it might even feel like an unnecessary fluffy piece of technology; or just another tool that […]

4 Office Personalities that Might Benefit the Most from an Intranet

It’s hard to tell sometimes who is going to benefit the most from an intranet. We might automatically assume it’s going to be someone in an internal communications or HR role, but that’s not always the case. While these two […]