What Documents Do You Need on Your Intranet?
One of the best features of a corporate intranet is the ability to host documents. And it’s no surprise since the benefits are obvious: Less demand on servers, less internal paper, and easier access to all documents.
The thought of adding all your important documents to an intranet may feel overwhelming at first; especially if you have thousands of documents to convert digitally. This is why it’s important to break it off into digestible pieces.
If you are wondering where to start, here are a few documents that every intranet should hold:
Annual Reports
Annual reports aren’t the most entertaining documents to read, but it’s important to have them easily accessible for all employees. Annual reports give management the chance to praise teamwork and innovation while providing a general learning resource for employees. An annual report can also help employees understand different parts of the company and how they individually fit into the bigger picture. Finally, in some companies, employees are also shareholders, so an annual report is a useful document to help them understand their investment in the company.
Product Documentation
From product road maps to marketing documentation, it makes sense to add as much product related content to your intranet as possible. We used to host these items on secure FTP sites, but it makes much more sense to add them to your intranet. Consider including data sheets, sales sheets, and even advertisements. Don’t forget to make it easy to find so employees have access when they need it.
Policies and Procedures
It’s critical that your employees have access to all your company policies. It just makes sense. Again, it’s going to take time to add all your internal policies, but once they are uploaded, they can be easily accessed by any employee at any time. This can include policies relating to dress code, substance abuse, harassment or vacation. It’s also important to add all HR related forms. This will simplify the onboarding of all new employees.
Archived Documents
Just because you finally got an intranet doesn’t mean you no longer need access to hold documents. Whether your company is large or small, you likely have a large paper trail of important documents. Important archived documents should be uploaded to your social intranet, not buried away in some file cabinet. Sure, it will be time consuming, but it’s absolutely worth the effort.
Boilerplate Documents & Templates
When you have a strong brand to maintain, it’s important that all employees understand how things should look and feel. One of the easiest ways to ensure your brand consistency is to have all your brand related materials on your intranet. Things like boilerplates, templates, and logos should be on your intranet, and easily accessible to all staff.
Tutorials, Step-by-Step Guides, & How-to's
There will always be times when employees need instruction on how do things. It might be posting a blog. It might be how to access employee benefits. Or it might just be how to navigate your intranet. Whatever the reason, your employees need to know where to find this information easily and quickly. This is why it is important to add all help guides and tutorials to your intranet.

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