Capital Power’s Bonzai Intranet Wins Best Intranet Design Of 2018 Award
The Nielsen Norman Group Annual Intranet Design Award is the holy grail of intranet awards, recognizing outstanding design, user experience and impact.
5 Reasons To Start Your Intranet Content Audit Today
Providing high-quality, relevant content is a must for any intranet, and it all begins with a content audit.
The Future of Intranets, the Digital Workplace, and the Impact of AI on Governance & Information Security [Part 2]
Now that we’ve fully sprinted into 2018, we’ve gathered the Bonzai Founders once again to forecast, predict and pontificate on what’s in store for the future of all things intranet and digital workplace. In Part 2 of this two-part Predictions […]
How to Build Your Best Intranet Team
We’ve collected the essential ingredients from our years of intranet implementations to share our experience for creating the ideal intranet team. Our aim is to help you succeed from the beginning of your intranet project planning right through to intranet […]
6 Reasons Why Bonzai’s SharePoint Intranet has had Record Success
A look back at the achievements that contributed towards the growing success of Bonzai intranet; along with a glimpse into what developments and innovations the year ahead holds!
7 Must-Have Features in a Truly Digital Workplace Solution
SharePoint intranets have their own limitations. Our vision at Bonzai was to build a truly digital workplace solution that addresses these limitations and drives productivity, engagement and collaboration through the roof by listening to our customers and delivering on their […]
5 Simple Steps to Create the Best Intranet Name
An important aspect of launching your new intranet or digital workplace is giving it a relevant name that’s both thoughtful and valuable. This important step can be overlooked especially during the busy launch period of the intranet project, but it’s an influential […]
Creating a Truly Intelligent Workplace with AI & Machine Learning
The evolving nature of the Intelligent Workplace has seen some exciting developments and the pace at which these advances are occurring is set to continuously accelerate. The online version of the workplace is gradually becoming more important than the bricks […]
SharePoint and Moment.js
As SharePoint 2013 client side developers, rarely do we implement a custom solution that outputs dates without loading Moment.js. Simply put, Moment.js makes it possible to: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates in javascript. And not only does it make […]
The Core Intranet Functionality Needed By Most Organizations
According to the Nielson Norman Group 2014 Report on Intranet Design, creating a new intranet from scratch took users an average of 1.4 years, a significant reduction from the 2.2 years reported in 2013. That still seems like a very […]
Canadian Intranet Practices Survey
Our good friends at nForm, a consulting firm based in Edmonton that specialize in creating great user experiences, are undertaking a survey of Intranets within Canada. Now I know that many of you readers are from outside of Canada so […]
Cross-Browser RichText Editor Solution For SharePoint
I was recently building a custom application page in SharePoint to allow users to update their User Profile information. One of the fields, the ‘About Me’ field, was to contain rich text. My first choice was to use SharePoint’s InputFormTextBox […]