What is Nintex?
Developed by Australian entrepreneurs, Brian Cook and Brett Campbell, Nintex is a workflow automation solution. Primarily used for SharePoint and Office 365, Nintex helps companies in 90 different countries automate processes on and between leading enterprise content management systems.
The easy to use solution is used by business users, developers and IT professionals alike, as no coding ability is necessary. This has made it easy for organizations to automate once manual processes that ate up valuable time.
The global company's two main products, Nintex Workflow and Nintex Forms, has enabled departments in every organization to streamline business processes.
Nintex Worflow automates core business processes with a drag and drop workflow designer that is integrated with leading enterprise content management systems (CMS). The robust integration makes use of all feature and functionality your CMS offers. Nintex Forms on the other hand, allows organizations to quickly create and publish web and mobile friendly forms that can be built into your automated workflows.
Learn how Nintex Forms and Workflows can drive Intranet adoption.
Combined, Nintex Workflow and Forms allow HR departments to easily automate leave requests/approvals, employee onboarding and even complaint handling. Finance teams can now automate expense approvals, invoice processing and accounts receivables. And Operation teams can successfully automate field gathering data processes and procurement or work order approvals.
Here is a breakdown of the key features of Nintex Workflow and Forms for SharePoint and Office 365:
Nintex Workflow for SharePoint
- Create repeatable processes that can be scheduled and timed
- Directly delegate workflow tasks to users or schedule for a future time
- Automate workflow notifications via email, instant messenger, and SMS
- Annotate and print process diagrams
Nintex Forms for SharePoint
- Auto-generate forms that speak to your business applications
- Forms can be integrated with databases and business applications via SQL and standard Web Services
- Forms are responsive and compatible with all mobile devices
- Forms can be accessed by external users without reconfiguring your firewall
- Forms can interact with key business processes either online or offline
Nintex Workflow for Office 365
- Generate documents automatically
- Design and build workflows to create repeatable processes
- Directly delegate workflow tasks to users or schedule for a later date
- Deliver workflow notifications via email, instant messenger, and SMS
- Annotate and print process diagrams
Nintex Forms for Office 365
- Auto-generate Office 365 forms to support your business applications
- Customize forms quickly with an intuitive browser-based designer
- Take your processes on the go via mobile compatible and responsive forms
- Extend access to external users without re-configuring your firewall
- Forms can interact with key business processes either online or offline

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